[Gist] If You Are Given A Chance To Spend 1 Month With A Nigerian Music Artiste, Who Would You Choose? - Blisshype



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[Gist] If You Are Given A Chance To Spend 1 Month With A Nigerian Music Artiste, Who Would You Choose?

There are lots of music fans and followers out there who always hoped that they one day get a chance to find themselves so close to their favourite musicians or better still get the opportunity to have conversations with them like they were never strangers.

Funny as it may seem, a lot of these category of fans even dream about it while they are at sleep while some fantasize about it at any given opportunity they are presented with (even at work places).

Therefore, in conformity with all the things that are written above, if you are finally given an opportunity to spend one full month with a Nigerian music celebrity, who would it be?

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