Another former Tinny Ent. Act reveals that Tinny Ent. Boss was manipulative, mean, and egotistic - Blisshype



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Another former Tinny Ent. Act reveals that Tinny Ent. Boss was manipulative, mean, and egotistic

Not quiet long when Ycee called out Tinny Ent. boss for being a cheat, another former act of the label has confirmed his words by labeling Tinny Ent. boss manipulative, mean, and egotistic. The said act by name Bella, had this to say;
“Everyone in the label apart from the CEO was constantly doing their very best to make it work. Everyone probably saw more of a vision in the label than the CEO himself who mostly just cared about his ego and being some sort of dictator. The label really would have worked out and we could have been something great if he wasn’t who he was.”
“He used to talk to each artiste behind the others, trying to convince you that he was ready to focus on you and ignore everyone else for one reason or the other; just unnecessary manipulation like that and ignoring whoever annoyed him in any way. It wasn’t professional at all. It’s like he wanted us to constantly try to be on his good side.”
“Instead of focusing on our careers which we were signed to, he also would try to isolate you from your manager or friends and get close to your family. Any way to manipulate you, really. I’m quite psychologically self-aware, so I was on the lookout even though there’s only so long you can be in a mentally toxic environment without it affecting you.”

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