As Vector dropped his diss track for M.I which he titles “Judas The Rat”, M.I decided to slid into Vector’s DM to have some talks with him. Well, that move turned out to be the bane of M.I, as it got Vector declared the winner.
Unless you are yet to listen to Vector’s diss track for M.I titled “Judas The Rat,” you definitely know how much dark secret brought to light by the viper. Though his claims in the diss track were brushed aside by fans who focused more on bars, M.I made the mistake of reaching out to Vector via DM to say things that confirmed all of Vector’s claims.
M.I had slid into Vector’s DM to talk down on Vector’s diss track, offering him a N20m deal with Chocolate City while putting it to Vector that he wasn’t supposed to go about the diss in that manner. He seemed manipulative with his words; more like the “rat” tagged him to be. Vector leaked the chat and that has been the bane of M.I. The chat reads;
“You need better representation. After all this is over, I will hook you up. And your team is whack too. Come over to Choc City bro. I got you! Let’s set up a label deal for you. N20m to spend at your discretion, but after I deal with you sha. You for no do am like dis. You’re making this too easy, walking into set traps. Track was a little better though.”
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