Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze has labeled pastors who do not follow the teachings of Christ as members of Naira Marley’s fan base- the “Marlians”
The media personality took to his Instagram page to call out such pastors that do not follow the teachings of Jesu Christ. According to him such pastors are Marlians and are much worse than Naira Marley himself. He cited examples of such clergymen and they include; pastors who pray for their enemies to die, pastors who collect tithe, pastors that preach against marrying from other churches, etc.
He wrote, Congregation jo soapy! Eg. Die by fire pastors, ground swallow my enemy pastors, my enemy sleep and don’t wake up pastors. ?Your seed will guarantee more money pastors, if you don’t tithe things will be tight pastors, if you don’t give offering you will be suffering pastors, you are not a Christian if you don’t speak tongues pastors, you must marry from our congregation only pastors, church is the house of God pastors.#DaddyFreeze #FreeTheSheeple
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