Erica Wins Head Of House, Chooses Deputy - Blisshype


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Erica Wins Head Of House, Chooses Deputy

Erica yesterday emerged the fourth Head of House (HOH) in the ongoing Big Brother Naija ‘Lockdown’ reality show. 
She takes over from Ozo, whose HOH tenure elapsed on Monday afternoon. She won the head of house task to emerge as the new head of house for this week. As is the rule, she was to choose a deputy and both of them will be inmmune from eviction this week. 
The housemates played a game of dice where they had a minute and 10 seconds each to take steps on the mat. To start the game, they were all expected to roll a ‘6’ on the dice to move, each housemate had less than two minutes to take steps on the mat towards the box that read, Head of House. 
After winning the game, Erica decided to choose Kiddwaya over Laycon. Recall that the three housemates have been in a complicated “entanglement” for a few days now with Laycon showing an unrequited affection to Erica. 
Erica’s rule will from Monday and end the following Monday.

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