Exposing Of Patients To Student Doctors In Teaching Hospitals Without Consent - Blisshype


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Exposing Of Patients To Student Doctors In Teaching Hospitals Without Consent

 A Nigerian Twitter user, Eketi, has called out doctors in teaching hospitals for exposing their patients to student doctors without their consent.

@eketiette wrote

Many of our doctors in Teaching Hospitals must learn to seek a patient’s consent before exposing them to a horde of student doctors and colleagues. Patient privacy is a legal right! You can’t be holding a lady’s breast in your hands and call all and sundry to come & see. Na ment?

This disdain for those who demand their right to privacy, telling them to go to private hospitals if they don’t want to be seen by others, is trash. Stop treating living people like cadavers!

When asked, many patients agree to be part of the teaching process. Do the right thing.

Another Twitter user, Prophet_Emekka, reacted and shared his own experience:

2010 I had piles. Went to UUTH to check and be treated. The doctor called in his students to come to the observation. I felt defiled as they took turns fingering my anus. I swore to die with it.

But God healed me.

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