“I Can’t Charge God So I Don’t Charge To Minister” – Nathaniel Bassey - Blisshype


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“I Can’t Charge God So I Don’t Charge To Minister” – Nathaniel Bassey


Paul says is it wrong that you minister to me in your canal gift. There is a balance to it so if somebody says I am led by the Spirit for Pastors here, you know it is my conviction, consecration to not discuss charges.

Why do I do that?
How much can I place on my gift?

I understand that my ministry is two fold, primarily to minister unto the Lord, that is the first calling of every minister and then to his people. The way it works as you minister to Him, He sings through you over His people, He rejoices over them in singing.

My understanding has always been if a church invites me to come minister, they are doing two things, first to minister to God and to His people. My own understanding is when you say to me come and minister to God, I can’t charge God to minister to Him. How much did He charge me for His Blood on the Cross of Calvary? The Blood that is the very reason for my ministry. It is a personal consecration and it has worked for me so why leave what is working?

If I share some of my testimonies, people will be jealous. I don’t want to go there. I am a living testimony by God’s grace of what it means to be on God’s payroll.

Three weeks ago, I felt led in my heart I wanted to bless some people, I don’t charge a dime but I gave two cars in one day. I bought it for my keyboard-player and my PA. I am trusting God very soon that I will start giving out houses. God has to use some people to show that He is a good God. I am saying this because I am in a good house, it is not an information I will like to share publicly.

My question is what has God called you? It is not about this person is doing this, this is right or wrong, it is about what He has called you to do, that determines your consecration. Are you just a Jew or a Nazarite like Samson. Look at what Samson did, he operated in an unparalleled level of power until he missed it.


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