Reno Omokri Lists Ten Characteristics Of A Wife Material - Blisshype


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Reno Omokri Lists Ten Characteristics Of A Wife Material

 Reno Omokri popular called "Table Skaker" has shaken the table again with another updates from his Instagram page. 

Mr Reno open up his mind about the quality of a good girl to be consider as wife material as different people as also come up with different opinions in line with their believe. 

Here are the qualities he believes every wife material should have:

1. Gives you love, not romance

2. She does not need you for finance, or anything else.

3. She is with you because she wants you

4. You can argue with her without the argument becoming a fight

5. She has high relevance, but is not high maintenance

6. She has her own independent, legal and provable source of income

7. Her relationship does not break when you are broke

8. Her human hair weave on is not her most expensive asset

9. She encourages you to save instead of taking her out to eat all the time

10. She is not insecure and does not check your phone, if she has issues, she confronts you directly

She knows how to pray, play, slay and stay

If she has these features, then consider making her your future.”

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