A young man, Adeyemi Oluwatoyin, 38, has disclosed that his father has threatened to kill him for being a gay.
Adeyemi Oluwatoyin, a 38 years old man as decried that his biological father including his communitarian, Ile-Ogbo in Agedira local Government area of Osun State are threatening to take his life for being a gay.
He also added that all his family members and comrades have been avoiding him greatly for being a gay which he was lured into by a Lebanese business partner and this has left him frustrated and depressed.
“One of my business colleagues from Lebanon lured me into it. Whenever we are at Quarry site, he would invite me to his house and ask me not to go home that I should not bother going home that he would love me to stay with him.
"One of my business partner who is a Lebanon has introduced me into gay. He usually invite me to his place and would say I should not go home but stay with him and pass my night in his house.
One day, while we are returning from a club in island in the late midnight, he begged me to sleep in his place and that was the day I get to know he was a gay. That same night, he had an affair with me.
Ever since that time I have been greatly enjoying myself with him but unfortunately for me, he relocated to Lebanon because of COVID-19 pandemic which affected greatly our Quarry business.
One day, while I was having affair with a friend of mine in my room, my father bagged into my room and saw us in the mood. He was extremely shocked, he then went in search for knife and I immediately ran for my life when I noticed.
On several occasions I have begged my parents to let me continue my life as a gay but they totally disagree with me saying I'm a disgrace to their family as well as the community as a whole. Our community businessman's leader has described me as prodigal son and he is also after my life.
I can't go back home since that time due to everyone in my area being after my life. Now, as I'm speaking, the situation is worse as my life is in danger. Everyone said it's against the tradition of my community and my case should be treated as an example to others.
I wonder why my case is different because big men in our society are gays and they have been living without any threat like my case.
A pastor who is also my community leader, Pastor Adeola Agbede also told my that Christian doctrine is also against being a gay and even a Yoruba race.
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