The Letter is a song Inspired by the reflection of God's love towards Mankind. Norbliss who has been underground as a music producer surfaces with this awesome song of reflection.
You are so far away yet I live inside you
You are so far a way yet I speak in your mind
You are so far away yet I cleared all your debts
You are so far away yet I died in your place
why don't you reciprocate just by loving me back
why don't you reciprocate just by giving me your heart
Why do you love the world other than embracing my love for you
ooohhh my love, you've been breaking my heart
my love, you've breaking my heart.....
Remember the wounds I had on the cross
remember the tears shed on the cross
remember the spears that was pieced at my side
remember the blood I shed just for you
Tell me why you choose the world over me
Tell me why your broke the bond that held us
Tell me why you chose to walk away from me
Tell me why you let the enemy have you
I've been standing outside of your door
hopefully knocking
but all efforts proved abortive;
I've been calling for you to open your heart
lets commune together but you've been too busy with the world
I still have my hands open wide
I still have my heart open wide
I Still call on you to draw back to me
Cos the devil and his agents have their strategies well planned out
to eliminate you
cut off our bond and then destroy your soul
That's why I wrote this piece
Chorus: Come back to me
I can't afford to loose your soul ......
You're too precious to me my love
And that's why I had to die on the cross to save you
All you got to do is just to give your life to me
All you need to do is just to give your life to me my love oohh.
It doesn't matter what you've done in the past
It doesn't matter how deep you've gone
don't worry the price have been paid for you to be set free
the price have been paid for you to workout a free man
for who the son of man shall set free is free indeed
and left without blemish
for he will be whiter than snow
Verse 2
Am aware of the affliction the devil has inflicted on men
am aware of the struggles and pains the devil have mated to men
Just come onto me all you that weary and are heavy laden
and i'll give you rest
take my yoke upon you and lean of me
for i'll meek and lowly heart and you shall find rest in your souls
for my yoke is easy and my burden is light
ohh thus says the Lord of host.
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