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The focal point of the gospel ought to be Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and the life. It will only take the blood stained gospel to clean the mess of man.

Many preachers have allowed the social media events to change their messages. It is either one is attacking while the other is responding. Preachers attacking preachers on social media is a new assignment from Satan to divide the body. 

True preachers dwell in his presence not social media. Some have turned Dr Abel Damina to their message. No preacher's name or fame has what it takes to save a single soul .

It is clear that our views, exposures and philosophies are not the gospel. Intellectual knowledge only compliments the gospel, it doesn't contain the saving power.

Hardship in the country has landed many into preaching the material gospel. Jesus Christ did not die for us to be prosperous and get healed. He settled healing and prosperity while he was still alive.

We have the person of Christ and the principles of Christ. Spreading the principles of Christ from city to city can never replace our Master. Jesus Christ is the transforming force that has no substitute.

 According to Galatians 1:8 Apostle Paul warned against the introduction of ANOTHER GOSPEL  .The gospel of arrogance is another gospel. It is possible for Dr Abel to make his point without referring Pastor Benny as their White Holy Spirit.

Anointing is different from good manners. Purging is a cleansing done aggressively and violently. Most of our famous preachers are not purged and broken. Majority of them lack good parenting and home training.

According to psalm 51:2 the psalmist said washed me thoroughly from my iniquity. When a preacher is not properly washed it will reflect in his message.

Jesus Christ is the focus, the message of every preacher. Intimacy with the spirit of God will change your life and ministry. Dont change your mandate and message. 

Get ready for seven days of amazing favours and testimonies.Also expect a miracle phone call this week.The same God that moved the King to send for Joseph according to Genesis 14:14 will also instruct your destiny helpers this week for your laughter and joy in Jesus name 🙏 

Am inviting you to our 18th Church anniversary celebration in Rumuadaolu ph city, Rivers State.Come with your testimonies.Divine help is coming this week!!

 By Pastor Humble Okoro .

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